ajwain seeds

  Ajwain seeds

  As Black in america, under a devil society, social living, having been raised up on the devil's food diet, Black americans now carry        the attribute diseases associated with devil afflictions. In the context of a pig, cow, animal flesh, dominant food diet, the poison of the    pig, and now the cow from devil cultivation, has amassed the human being structure with microscopic worms that predominately            exist in the spine/ nerve system and the digestive tract; the intestines.  It is the movement of these worms within the human being that    is the initiator of various multiple ailments; rheumatism, arthritis, dementia (worms have gotten into the brain from the spine).  Again, these are afflictions used to remove the devil, having now assumed in Black america from the devil social environment.  Once the human being structure has been saturated with these microscopic worms, the worms have to be disconnected from the feeding on of the human being life system.  Understanding, the greatest medicine cure for any disease/ ailment of the human being is that created within the human being.  Many serious illnesses of the human being can be dissipated with just a natural increase in the blood temperature using the heat of the sun; aids, for example.  Pig worms, also called trichina, are destroyed from increased temperature of the blood; stop eating the pig, but the worm from the eating of cow flesh is created separate from the pig worm, in the evolved stage of this human flesh worm.  The cow worm creates specifically from what is called the fly (english language), and the 'spermentation" of fly larvae in the environment.  It is reported that cow worms reflect concerted scientific principles in their originating, where commercial report of the hazards of eating cow beef is not reported.  Cow worms, when in the human being, exist predominately in the intestines because of the characteristic stronger digestion of cow flesh.  Over long periods of time, the cow worms amalgam into the flesh of the human being, eventually feeding on the human being tissue.  Various devil health society reports will indicate a variety of disease/ailments of Black americans specifically, that originate from the digestive, 'intestines' area that are not 'understood' for causes.  This is the concertion component of planetary science studies or creation,  from the biblical scripture; in the beginning.  When approaching scripture as a foundation for understanding, understanding from Allaah, how far are we in the hellfire of devil society, where our revelation understanding is a total consume into the hellfire.   How far are we lost?      
      First book of moses called genesis; chapter 3, verse 17-18:
"And unto adam He (Allaah) said, because thou has hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, thou shall not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow, shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.  Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herbs of the field." 

 What are we being told, what are we listening to, from 400 hundred years of american slavery; ignorance, where we are on a              correct path for paradise.  In everyday commercial Black american conversations, you will hear the Black man and Black woman          saying that they consume 'herbs'; whether it is in actual leaf form or some type liquid, consuming the oil of the 'herb'.  And whether it is ignorance, or misunderstanding, the mindset of the Black of the planet is the cultivation of 'herbs', for human consummation.  But again, let us understand from the biblical scripture, what was told to adam, for punishment from his sin. Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herbs of the field.  So how can eating herbs be beneficial to Black people, when it was the cursed 'food' of adam because of his sin.  Allaah says in the quraanic scripture that the wicked, the sinful drink hot, boiling water as their drink.  Same scripture.  As Black people, what are we doing?  To further understand, Allaah gave adam herbs to eat as punishment for his sin, but not spice; spices.  So now, who is defining herb and who is defining spice, where the devil gives you two selections as one selection; herbs and spices?  The devil taking us to hell with them.  To note, the science principles of this article are dealing with the seed of a plant, and not the actual plant or leaf of the plant.  Mercy from Allaah.  But furthermore, until we begin to define for ourselves, as Black people, what is what, what is a herb, and what is a spice?  We don't know, but are in a tremendous position to know and define for guidance for the planet.  In understanding, simplicity, herb and spice can be separated, and distinguished by leaf size, and structure of the plant.  For example; eat cabbage, don't eat collard greens.  The scripture dynamic is more intense, but this is a general reference for understanding.  In studying briefly, the ajwain plant/ ajwain seeds were listed as both a spice in some reports, and a herb in other reports.  Again, simplicity, because of smell/ taste, ajwain seeds would be considered a 'spice' like nutmeg (in actuality, nutmeg is not a spice, but a type mineral, like sea salt).  This is not taking into account the leaf 
fly: originator of the cow worm

structure, color depth of the ajwain plant.  The significance of the ajwain seed is not its taste, but its digestive structure; the type of structure the material seed takes (chemical/ liquid form) once it is digested in the stomach, and passing throughout the human being system.  It is the shape of the digested seed that forms into the shaped wave tissue of the intestines; where the cow worms have lodged and live.  The digested ajwain seeds fit into the structured lining of the intestines, displacing the cow worms that have fixated itself over a period of time.  Once the seeds move into the tissue, pushing out the cow worms, the cow worms are flushed into the waste component of the digestive system, and comes out of the human being as waste; urine, feces.  Initial seed absorption into the intestines to remove the worms is followed by continued absorption and dissipation, incorporation into the working components of the human being structure for better health, stronger health.  It is the cleansing of the ajwain seed within the intestines that associates the taking of the seed for weight loss.  The removal of excess weight within the intestine structure is initiated from seed absorption/ fixation, the intestine draining itself of the weighted poison within its tissue.  Understanding also, the recognizable weight loss from the seed is only initially because of the immediate removal of the amalgamated waste.  After the total of the waste has been removed, weight loss will not 'naturally' occur as a direct reflect of the digestive medicinal characteristics of the seed, but rather seed components; taste, smell, will begin to regulate affinity for various foods/ against various foods where less food consumption (fat foods) and less food digestion is taking place.