insulin produced in the pancreas

  Diabetes and Water: 
 don't mix

iabetes is a disease that originates from longevity eating patterns, and the incorrect food consumed in those eating patterns.  Diabetes is high          levels of sugar in the blood produced from the destruction of the production of insulin.  Insulin controls the amount of sugar in the blood for            productive health.  Diabetes, as a disease, is very effective as a destroyer of health because conventional, adequate treatment of the disease does not include a 'cure'.  A good foundational approach to actually destroy the disease is prevention; from the foods we eat, the construction of a socially active environment.  Understanding, that as Black in america, diabetes is a disease used by Allaah to destroy the devil; the devil’s meat, and the food that has them in hell.  Quranic scripture surah 14 ayat 16-17 “Hell is before him and he is given to drink of boiling water; he drinks it little by little and is not able to swallow it; and death comes to him from every quarter, yet he dies not.  And before him is vehement chastisement.”  Biblical scripture chapter 3 verse 17 ".  .  .  . cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shall thou eat of it all the days of thy life.”  So as Black in america, 
propaganda attack of heart disease on Black american youth
from afflictions to destroy the devil, with no correct education, assume the afflictions of the devil; where separation from the wicked society is our progression to live in paradise.  To destroy the disease is the beginning path of separation from wickedness, from a devil, as moses and the Black people of israel separated from the devil.  With the severity attack ofdiabetes on the human being, fasting; to not eat/ abstain from food, is the best destroyer of all diseases; a solid structure approach to gaining control of your physical/ spiritual health, to correct your human being, where you are no longer afflicted.  Elijah Muhammad: How to eat to live: Book Two “Surely sugar diabetes can be controlled and driven out with your abstinence from eating sugar and starchy foods. And, with your corrected way of eating once a day or once every other day (if started in time), you will become negative in your blood.”  The problem with fasting to clean the human system of diabetes is that in common text, fasting does not include the abstain from drinking water.  When Black people fast for various reason; the most significant reason to ward off evil, there is not an abstain from the drinking of water.  There are specific fasts that prohibit the drinking of water; the fast of the month of ramadan, the fast of the month of december, but the benefit of the fast for the destruction of your spiritual vices is to complement the spirit with the nourishment of water; a healthy spirit.  The problem with not eating food, and drinking water to destroy diabetes is that water is a energy provider; sugar. When water is digested in the stomach, the decomposition of water into its selective parts for the human system has the same nutrient cursor as digested sugar or what is called glucose.  The name glucose is used to symbolize the microscopic structure or what is called compound in science environments of study, where the structure of sugar; commercial sugar in the grocery stores, digested in the stomach, breaks down into separate parts where the compound glucose is a substance of mass, and weight that travels throughout the human being circulatory system for nutrient health success.  There is the structure of commercial sugar; sugar from sugar cane, and there is 
glucose; a specific compound structure that is created from digested sugar.  But science compounds of matter, as a fixated structure, are created naturally in various foods of completely different structure; taste, smell, size, color, but contain the structure glucose.  Meat from fruit trees; apple, mango, peach, banana,contain the nutrient benefit of sugarin the form of glucose, but does not contain the macroscopic commercial sugar structure from sugar cane in the meat of the fruit.  But again when digested in the stomach, the stomach will digest the fruit meat into the compound glucose.  Diabetes, as a disease, sits in the human being as an ailer of the physical/ spiritual health, becoming a foundation building block for progressive sickness, and various sicknesses, eventually becoming an initiator of death.  Allaah created water for the human being as a destroyer of disease when the human health system is in distress.  But the abuse of Black america's intelligence with ignorance, and the love to live like a devil, has transgressed the aid of water when sick where the favor of Allaah with just water is no longer adequate to cure the human system of sickness.  So when fasting; to abstain from eating food, to cure yourself from the disease of diabetes, the drinking of water to feed the physical/ spiritual structure with life, the water, digested in the stomach, produces glucose in large amounts, and increases human internal circulation, where sugar is not only produced, but also distributed throughout the body efficiently.  Diabetes, and water does not mix.  Diabetics, and drinking water for consistent minimum health standard, does not mix.  A very serious problem.  The drinking of water from the human being with diabetes should be used with caution and administrated as prescription medication.  The mastery of diabetes can be achieved with a thorough handling of fasting from food and water for various periods of time throughout daily social living, where the disease diabetes is completely destroyed within the human being.