Fenugreek Seeds

 Fenugreek Seeds

  Fenugreek seeds come from the fenugreek plant (european language).  The name for the fenugreek plant in the indigenous indian languages    is the methi plant.  In the arabic language, the plant is pronounced as the hulba plant.  In western hemisphere cultures, fenugreek is                  commonly found in various curry powder recipes.  As a plant, fenugreek grows to about 2 ft, with a flower bloom time of 15 weeks, where      the fenugreek seeds are harvested in the 18th /19th week.  Fenugreek seeds can be eaten raw, boiled, baked, or fried.  If eaten raw, the              fenugreek seeds carry a bitter taste.  When cooked, the seeds lose their bitter taste, and a flavoring spice taste is obtained.  When used in          cooking, to obtain the seeds maximum anti-bacteria properties, the fenugreek seeds should be boiled with cooking ingredients, and served        as a soup or sauce.  The medicine characteristics of fenugreeks seeds are tremendously effective for the human being health.  The seeds are considered an attacker on diabetes, listed as an anti-bacteria agent, and an increaser in developing productive appetites.  From antiquity times, fenugreek seeds have also been used as a tool to increase breast milk production in newly breast feeding mothers.  Indigenous to the east asian region of the planet, present day fenugreek production is dominated by the country india, india controlling over 40% of the fenugreek exportation across the planet.  Unhealthy social habits that center around food consumption, and repetitive eating habits have destroyed the digestive system of the Black people in america.  It is the digestive system of the human being that is the chemical controlling/distribution wavelength center, with a direct connection signal system to the brain.  The complexities and confusions of the brain; 'mood swings', depression ( do not confuse depression with being tired), anxiety, stress, non-equilibrium, is created because of digestive system signals directly communicating to the brain.  A deteriorated digestive system (microscopic holes in your intestines <10 -12 m) will constantly send disruptive signals to the brain of distress.  This feeling of distress/unease or dis-ease is most noticeable when fasting.  Allaah says to combat this deterioration of the intestine tissues; to negate the feel of  unease, coat or soothe the intestine's lining with the digestion of tomatoes.  It is the dietary fiber structure of the fenugreek seed that provides the regenerative process for the intestine tissue, and the restructure of the digestive system into the template healthy human being (original/ aboriginal).  Again, the destructive of 400 years of slavery; american history, reducing the Black man and Black woman human being to a physical nothing, Allaah now begins to restructure Black america to their original selves; physically, and mentally.

                the question was asked: 'how many Black people in america were given cancer from 

             drinking commercial milk from the grocery stores, where the cows were treated with 

             growth hormones?' the question was answered by the american cancer society 2019-

             2021 facts/figures report: 1 out of 3 Black men/ Black women in america will develop 

             cancer in their lifetime

Alloxan Monohydrate

The Chemical Alloxan Monohydrate

  - there are 347 million people with diabetes on the planet, with an estimated 4.6 million
    deaths each year from the disease; this number is expected to double

  - 20% Black americans have diabetes

There is a severity increase in disease among Black people in america, Black people of the world.  And as the destruction of wickedness, and filth is further removed from the planet, the morbid health of Black people grows exponentially, and in many areas of Black life, assuming complete victory.  A recent report stated that africa is now the biggest stomping ground for diabetes, with india, and indians also having a problem with controlling diabetic spread throughout their country.  Africa!  Indian!  Diabetes . . . .   Africa, India, and diabetes does not even sound correct.  Diabetes is a caveman, european, caucasian disease, used by Allaah to remove the devil from the planet.  How can a cold environment disease now be a predicted rampant disease in hot climate environments of Black people where the disease can not take root to exist for long periods of time.  As Black people continue to gradually follow the way of devil america, and europe in their social habits; what they eat, what they drink. what they think, how they act, they assume the destruction of the devil.  A further destruction of Black on the planet, but a further display of our ignorance as Black people, and that we have not learned from our 6000 year chastisement from Allaah.  But collectively, the statistical reported numbers of diabetes increase in these Black countries is in no way a reflect because Black countries are adopting devil habits to assume these diabetic human conditions.  When conducting experimentation for curative measures against diabetes, the chemical; alloxan monohydrate, is used to induce diabetes or diabetic like conditions in experimental testing animals.  Let us understand.  Diabetes is induced in test animals, in experimentations; animals are injected with the chemical alloxan monohydrate, and this chemical creates diabetes in the animal.  The scientific ease to give a animal diabetes, and the alarming number/rate of Black americans with diabetes, as believers in Allaah, we need not wonder that the devil hand continues in the removal of Black people from paradise.  Alloxan monohydrate can be store brought; $66 for 25 grams, $38 for 10 grams. 

note: fenugreek seeds can be purchased at the halal grocery in your area