Negro:  a mentally dead Black man/ Black woman

Waging war By Zip Code: How Food 
in Black Neighborhoods is Weaponized
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I. Scientific Genocide Through Food

In January 1975 the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad revealed in Muhammad Speaks a (coming) plot against Black people by our 400-year enemies in America: 

At this very hour, eternal war against the Black man is planned as the Psalmist (Bible) prophesizes that they plan to destroy the poor secretly.  All kinds of evil are planned against the once loyal slave of America today: in the drugs, in food and the water that the slave eats and drinks, to destroy his increase of his nation, making his women unproductive and turning her into the most disgraceful woman of the nations... 

Our former slave masters have secretly planned an eternal war against the Black man and woman in America, a plan that involves doing "all kinds of evil" to us through the food that we eat, the water that we drink and the drugs that we use. Speaking at the Chicago Coliseum on Saviour's Day 1966 the Honorable Elijah Muhammad gave us a little insight into how our enemies will execute this secret war against us: 

This race of devils who has planned your destruction, who are leading you to total destruction, who want you to die and be destroyed with them, who are absolutely killing you daily and beating you for even asking them for justice… But their time is now up and they are doing everything to try to stay by planning the total termination of the Black man and they are practicing it on you today, the so-called American Negros. I even heard talk of their planning mass murder of the so-called Negros here in America. And planned to sterilize them to prevent them from continuing to produce a people like themselves. This is a plan that was made by Pharaoh (of Egypt)... they planned the total destruction of (the Children of Israel) by killing off the males. This scientific nation who have so much more knowledge of chemistry today and plan the total destruction of you and me. 

The secret war of destruction against Black America will thus be a scientific war that will utilize America's advanced knowledge of chemistry and the war aims to sterilize the Black woman and the Black man and kill the Black male (men and masculinity) scientifically, it appears from the words of the Messenger of God. Our food, water and drugs were to be chemically manipulated in such a way as to render the Black Nation infertile or nonreproductive. In 2013, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan delivered an historic series of revelatory broadcasts entitled “The Time and What Must Be Done.” In Part No. 36, “Farming is the Engine of Our National Life,” he documents that the secret war of which The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned us in 1975 has now become official U.S. Government policy. The Honorable Minister Farrakhan said:

We are completely dependent on somebody else to feed us; and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, "No people can be free with their mouth in the kitchen of another, particularly, in the kitchen of our former slave masters and their children"… And you know, they don't know what to do with us. We've become a problem, nearly fifty million of us. They won't be able to provide jobs for us. So many White scientists are thinking, what can we do with the Negroes? Well, during my 2012 Saviours' Day message, we spoke on a plan by the government of the United States led by Dr. Henry Kissinger to engage in worldwide depopulation of the darker peoples of the world. Mr. Kissinger as Secretary of State under President Nixon signed National Security Study Memorandum 200 titled, "Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security Overseas Interests." It was adopted as official policy in 1975 by President Gerald Ford. Those who analyzed the report said, "Dr. Kissinger proposed that depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy toward the Third World." Think about that. Although this plan of action was to be activated in developing countries, it was designed as a two-edged sword that could be swung with equal determination in both developed and developing countries alike because in developing countries, like America, a growing number of Third World people live. This document was signed by Henry Kissinger and directed to the Secretaries of Defense, Agriculture, Central Intelligence and the Deputy Secretary of State, and the Administrator of the Agency for International Development with a copy to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This was taken like a theatre of war and all factions of government were introduced to this to develop plans and activate plans internationally to cull between two to three billion people from the face of the earth. Well, Kissinger prepared yet another depopulation manifesto for President Jimmy Carter called, "Global 2000," which detailed using food as a weapon to depopulate the Third World. So then Zbigniew Brzezinski, I think he was Carter's National Security Advisor said, "It's easier to kill a million people today than to control a million people." So the killing of millions is going on. Let's see what is happening to us. These groups: The Department of Defense, Agriculture, CIA, Agency for International Development and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, I'm sorry to tell you, they're planning death on a worldwide scale. They have used a series of methods to affect global depopulation, depleted uranium bombs, genetically engineered and modified foods, chemical additives in foods, poison in vaccines, famine, AIDS, Chemtrails, illegal wars. This plan for culling the population is not only in the Third World, but it comes right back home to the United States of America… The importance of this data is: When we juxtapose the decrease in farming with this Memorandum 200 by Kissinger and the culling of the population of the planet with a policy of population control or depopulation in the United States, then we can see now how food is used as a weapon in that process. Then the control of the means of production of food and the methodology in producing the food, all of this is a part of the policy now of the Department of Agriculture, the FDA, the CIA, they are all linked together. 

This Report documents how the U.S. Government and allied interests actually executed this plot that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned us of in 1975 and the Honorable Minister Farrakhan shined great light upon for us in 2013. Specifically, it can be demonstrated that the food made available in Black neighborhoods – fast food, super market food, even fished food - has been deliberately, chemically poisoned. Poisoned by whom? By U.S. Government agencies (examples include the Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Army and the C.I.A.) and allied interests such as the Monsanto Chemical Company, just to name a single example. Black America is indeed being deliberately sterilized through our food, our water, our drugs, even our air. The result today is the many aspects of Black America’s current Health Crisis: a cancer crisis, autism spectrum disorder epidemic, ADHD, an obesity epidemic, a disproportionately high rate of infertility as well as male feminization and female masculinization in Black America (a Gender Bending Crisis), among other conditions. This can all, in large measure, be traced back to the food made available to Black communities and to which we avail ourselves. To put it bluntly, our food has been weaponized against us. This Report extensively documents this fact.

II. Food as Chemical Warfare
In 1977 The New York Times published the first public exposé of one of the U.S. government’s darkest and dirtiest secrets: the CIA’s MKULTRA program which was “a secret, 25-year, $25-million effort by the Central Intelligence Agency to learn how to control the human mind.” The CIA sought “an offensive use for behavior control,” not defensive. “They wanted to reduce a man to a bewildered, self-doubting mass in order to‘subvert his principles’,” the Times reported.

[The CIA] sought to crack the mental defenses of enemy agents-to be able to program them and its own operatives to carry out any mission even against their will and “against such fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation.

By the 1960s the CIA was exploring “Ways for predictably influencing human behavior through the use of drugs."  In 1966, the Agency established a “behavioral pharmacology program” in order to develop the “capability to manipulate human behavior in a predictable manner through the use of drugs”.  This was a secret program because the CIA was fully aware of the fact that its methods and agendas crossed the line. It was determined that the unwitting experimentation of citizens was unethical but essential. Thus, there is always a “cover story” to hide the true operation.

One thread running throughout the documents was the need for extreme secrecy about the project, minimum documentation of planning and approval of test programs, and a realization that any disclosure could severely embarrass the CIA. Its inspector general said in his report that testing MKULTRA substances or devices on "unwitting subjects," while important, was not as important as the "risk of serious damage to the agency in the event of compromise of the true nature of this activity."

The CIA assembled “an extensive network of non-governmental scientists and facilities” to conduct much of this unethical and even illegal research and weaponization of chemical and biological agents. This network involved 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities. “The mind control experiments were conducted by a network of doctors that included leaders of psychiatry and the major medical schools.” The CIA funded these “CIA Doctors” by clandestinely channeling money through private medical foundations and military offices, such as the Office of Naval Research.

There was an “urgent need,” the C.I.A. and other agencies argued, to develop “effective and practical techniques” to “render an individual subservient to an imposed will or control.” The C.I.A. men, who led the way, enlisting the support of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Departments of Agriculture, Health, Education, and Welfare and several other agencies, acknowledged among themselves that much of what they were setting out to do was “unethical,” bordered on the illegal and would be repugnant to the American people. So they made certain that these activities were tightly held, known only to the director, Allen W. Dulles, and a handful of operatives and high-ranking aides.

The use of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) by the CIA is important to our discussion, as is the use by the CIA of the Department of Agriculture. Not to be left out, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), claiming to be “The Nation’s Foremost Consumer Protection Agency,” in fact assisted the CIA’s secret mind and behavior control program; indeed, the FDA is described as the CIA’s “junior partner.” The CIA’s “junior partner” the FDA allowed the CIA to test its chemical and biological agents in its laboratories and testing facilities. The Department of Agriculture aided the CIA mind-control program by importing “various botanticals” that could be tested as behavior modification agents. The CIA, the USDA, the FDA, the Department of HEW (now the Department of Health and Human Services), and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps are all colluders. Why solicit the aid of the Department of Agriculture and the FDA? The CIA sought “a way to manufacture food that looked and tasted normal but, when eaten, would create ‘confusion-anxiety-fear’.” We are talking about weaponized food here. We know that the CIA is squarely in the business of weaponizing food and releasing it upon an unsuspecting population. In August 1951 the inhabitants of the quiet village of Pont-Saint-Esprit in southern France suddenly fell ill, struck down with mass insanity and frightful hallucinations of terrifying beasts and fire. Five people died, dozens were interned in asylums, and hundreds were afflicted. For 50 years it was assumed that the outbreak was inadvertently caused by a local baker who unknowingly served the villagers bread contaminated with ergot, the hallucinogenic mould that infects rye grain. In fact, the local bread was deliberately contaminated with LSD by the CIA and the US Army as part of a human chemical warfare experiment. The U.S. Government has openly considered such chemical manipulation of food to increase infertility in populations of color, domestic and foreign, as a solution to the alleged “population crisis.” A 1969 The New York Times article says enough:

A possibility that the government might have to put sterility drugs in reservoirs and in food shipped to foreign countries to limit human multiplication was envisioned today by a leading crusader on the population problem. 

On November 24, 1969 the 13th National Conference of the U.S. UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) Commission was held in New York City. UNESCO is a 100-member commission consisting of representatives of Government, outside organizations, and the public, but appointed by the U.S. Secretary of State. This 13th National Conference was keynoted by President Richard Nixon’s chief science advisor Dr. Lee DuBridge, who introduced the discussion of the global and domestic “population crisis” and called for zero population growth rate. President Nixon had already pointed to the “underprivileged (read: “the poor” and “the Blacks”) in America as birth control targets. Dr. DuBridge admonished that population control should be the prime task of every government. Dr. Paul Ehrlich of Stanford University declared,

Our first move must be to convince all those we can that the planet Earth must be viewed as a spaceship of limited carrying capacity. I think that 150 million people (50 million fewer than there are now) would be an optimum number to live comfortably in the United States.

So a reduction of the 1969 American population by 50 million is here envisioned. The methods entertained during the discussion included compulsory family regulation, changing tax laws to discourage reproduction, and even “the addition of a temporary sterilant to staple food, or to the water supply”. Staple foods. This could be done by “doctoring foods sent to underdeveloped countries,” but other nations “already are suspicious of our motives,” said Dr. Ehrlich. But the American Negro is not sufficiently suspicious of his 400-year open enemy so that method will work domestically. In any case, according to Dr. Ehrlich these draconian methods are a better “alternative to Armageddon.” “Every human institution – school, university, church, family, government and international agencies such as Unesco – should set [retarding population growth] as its prime task.”  In 1977 Dr. Paul Ehrlich co-authored with his wife Ann and John Holdren the book, Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment in which they at least entertained or even endorsed the use of horrifying measures to reduce population such as compulsory abortions as well as the sterilizing of segments of the population by introducing drugs into the water supply and their staple foods. Who is John Holdren? He later became President Barack Obama’s Science Czar, appointed Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.  We thus see that the Government has never been shy about “doctoring” food with chemicals that could induce infertility, just as the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad warned us that our enemies would do. . . .