Infectious Diseases . . . .           Pandemics

The cultivation of the human being in the system of evolution; to evolve, is a purification from the fire of creation.  Purify the Black man and Black woman, the perfection of the human being, for the attainment to be with Allaah; forever.  The filth from the dross of what we have become, strained from the human being in physical form is the making of the caucasian on the planet; a sickness, from within ourselves, made physical, externally.  Allaah has removed that sickness component from the Black man and Black woman, and now the spiritual purification begins, internally, externally.  A continuing process to perfection as the physical dross is burned away.  Physical, but our thoughts produce our actions; also physical.  Your religion to perfect yourself for caliph on the planet.  Caliph, guidance, for the entirety of the planet until there is planetary unity in foundational thought processes.  Regardless of perceived devil power; the devil's agreement with hell, the exalt of the human being; the Black man and Black woman, is the engraved inscription in creation.  It is only our contradiction to what Allaah has planned for Black people, that removes us from the paradise, from that inscription of life forever.  The Black man and Black woman, regardless of ethnicities, are now the caliph of the planet.  Let us        understand.  The planet has a 23 1/2 degree evolutionary inclination.  What does this mean?    Revolutionary thought is revelation thought.  A strong axiom recently reported stated that the fastest change occurs from revolutionary characteristics.  Revolution/ revelation.  To further understand, Allaah says that He loves the patient, and that victory is with the steadfast.  So the sustenance of what Black people of the world are dealing with is that in thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years of patient, victory.  Or it doesn't happen, it doesn't exist, if we can understand.  But as Black people we say 'that is too long to wait'; the devil, and the purification of that thought process, that type of thinking.  Impurities in the thought processes of the human being; the Black man and Black woman.  A further unkempt of the planetary environment.  What we have to understand, as Black people in the world, is that Allaah is constantly removing the devil, in large numbers, from the planet.  But as Black people, consumed in devil information circles, we do not have knowledge to know from Allaah, so we will not know.  Allaah says that Black people, His people, are destroyed for lack of knowledge; english translation from a original/ aboriginal Black language.  But to know, is to further evolve, purify, as caliph on the planet, collectively as Black people, to know.  Paradise; a bunch of Black people, breathing, living forever.  There is a very low commercial frequency that the Black man and Black woman will not hear it unless Allaah permits; within the last 200 hundred years of planetary history, caucaisan, devil dominated inhabited areas have been inflicted with infectious diseases, labeled pandemics, where large numbers of caucasian people were removed from the planet.  Understand that, like boiling water, the 1800s is the beginning boil of the crime of slavery amongst the many crimes against Black people from the devil, where going into the 20th century, Allaah becomes to execute punishment.  It is reported that just within a 40/50 year period of time; 1910-1960, 4 corona type viruses originated, labelled as a pandemic, removing from 100,000 to 1,000,000 people.  The devil documents the originating of these small, unheard of pandemics creating from china, but the muscle activity of the pandemics were in europe.

Influenza Virus 1918

The introduction of the influenza virus during world war one can be theorized as originating from the severe filth of caucasians in their european world war environment, and the mishandle of large numbers of caucasian dead people.  The experimental science explanation of the 1918 influenza pandemic is that there was an evolved strain of part of a template influenza virus; virus creating from within a population of viruses.  The virus infected over 500 million with 75 million people dead.  Again, we have to understand within these percentages, how many caucasian people were infected/ killed compared to Black people infection/death?  The contagion death rate of the caucasian in america from the virus was greater than one million dead within four months or greater than 2.5% of the american population?  Again, within the dynamic of this devil statistic, the comparison of Black and caucasian dead to better understand the nature, and intent of the virus, and the pandemic.  To note, the influenza virus kills annually an average of 600,000 people, with a 10% planet infection rate.  Within the united states of america, influenza infects over 400,000 annually.  The deadliest attack from the virus is on the caucasian infant/ elderly, with an almost 100% mortality for caucasian old people.  A very striking, deceptive statistic reporting the ineffectiveness of vaccines against virus infection, reported that vaccines provide a 60% effectiveness against various contagious viruses, where Black and caucasisan populations were not separately tested to discern the actual effectiveness of the vaccines when vaccinating caucasian people; a Black population introduced into the study to increase the percent data effectiveness.  The prevention of virus infection being a major caucasian country concern, with virus disruptions consuming over 4% of the european gross domestic product.  This article can only parallel the same data results for america.  Viruses, conceived as a type parasite, actual assume strong anti-respiratory attributes, attacking the throat and lungs of the human being.  Statistics report that respiratory viruses kill over 10 million people on the planet yearly. 

yersinia petis; bacteria

Caves and Hillsides of Europe 1300

The detriment of viruses to the human being system, the influenza virus specifically, is the resistance of the virus to treatment/ vaccines.  Predominate resistance of the virus, its adaptability, is the virus, as a protein structure, taking on human being characteristics to live internally as part of the human being system.  This adapt to the vaccinated environment is initiated from the pseudo equilibrium created between the human being system and the vaccine itself.  From the word influenza, there is the word influence, symbolically describing the contagious characteristic of influenza.  Influenza spreads from person to person, from the respiratory air moisture of the person infected.  Most human beings infected with influenza can infect any human being within one day before symptoms are shown.  Majority human being disease infections are from influenza.  Again, this includes disease infection of the respiratory system.  But the plague of europe, 1300 ce, was from the bacteria, yersinia petis.  Yesinia petis killed 1/3 of the european population within three years (over 25 million people), originating in italy, spreading throughout the entirety of europe.  The death rate of the virus was upward 90% infected.  Over 150 million caucasian europeans dead from the yersinia petis of 1300.


                   zechariah; chapter 14, verse 18

               and if the family of egypt go not up, and come not out, that have no rain;          

               there shall be the plague, wherewith Allaah will smite the heathen that come 

               not up to keep the feast of tabernacles

Byzantine plague 500 

The byzantine plague (turkey) was a bacteria pandemic originating again from the bacteria, yersinia petis. The origin of the bacteria environment was yersinia infected fleas on rats.  Over 25%/ 30 million byzantine dead; 7000 caucasians killed a day.  It is from this plague of the yersinia petis bacteria that destroyed the byzantine rulership in northern africa, and arabia, and eventually the specific rulership itself.  The virus would have a return frequency of 12 years, returning every 12 years, eventually reducing the entire european population by half; over 100,000,000 caucasian people dead.

for more information on historical infectious pandemics;