from the book; Black america: the pig psychology

    - In 2010, world production of pork stood at 88.2 m tonnes against 53.9 m   

      tonnes of poultry, 53.2 m tonnes of beef, and 7 million tonnes of mutton

       African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 12(25), pp. 4039- 4043, 19 June, 2013

  Chapter 1: The Pig  

  The evolve of the human being into a lower self of degradation, and filth is described by animal characteristics: animals being separate from the    human being in social functions of environment to describe social interaction, activity.  A human being that functions in social activity as an          animal, characteristically, is a disfunction to the entire of the human society to progress, where there is an inhibition of progress.  The many            attacks on the human being for a destructive behavior is further advanced, in ingenuity, with the basic necessity for food consumption; the              manipulation of the water supply of the human being for contamination also an advance to this fact.  There is the commercial use of the pig as food consumption, involving the use of chemicals to maintain non-deterioration in deterioration flesh, and increased pig productivity; the consumption of the pig is the consume of the chemicals of the pig.  This is an attack on the brain, the function component in production of the conscious.  The pig is easily, readily, genetically restructured with chemicals, compared to the use of chemicals in processed foods for food preservation in the food commercial production, where the human being consumption of the pig is the digestive of that animal, with chemical saturation, and allows for manipulation, from other preservative chemicals, to create within the human being chemical reactions that physically structure. 

        The pig has a fast growth/ sexual maturity rate, less than 100 days, pointing to the perverse, immoral behavior of the human being society, from the consumption of that animal; specifically with the human being with what is called the pig psychology.  This fast growth rate/ sexual maturity rate of the pig, as the dominant diet of meat for Black america, is directly related to the need of the Black woman, during caucasian american slavery, to reproduce children for the purpose of slavery.  In the context of chattel slavery, the pig was a financially cheap, easily managed animal that could strategically be given to the human being to induce faster birth rates/ growth rates to appease the characteristic need for slaves, once, initially, there was the structure slavery for Black america in the western hemisphere.  The fast growth/ birth rate of the pig, and the pig for food consumption is originally, scientifically understood as an accentuate to the negative caucasian female reproduction; the pig is the food consumed to negate no reproduction; negative birth rate of caucasian people/ fast birth rate of the pig. 

        The pig grows quickly, successfully.  This is an inordinate characteristic for that animal because of the constant, repetitive pattern of morbid disease created within the animal.  This can be attributed to the environment of the pig, for commercial food consumption, where the pig is cultivated for slaughter.  Again, as food consumed, the pig is physically, genetically dominated by natural environmental conditions; a cultivation environment, where the specific of the environmental affect on the pig is the reproduction/ fertility.

        The pig lives with worms inside of its flesh structure; the worms a natural production of the pig environment that the pig creates to live.  The worms destroy the life of the pig; disease.  The slaughter of the pig does not kill the worms, where the worms live inside of the pig carcass/ commercial packaged flesh.  To cook the pig flesh also does not kill the   

worms.  Consumption of the pig flesh is consumption of the worms that were produced from the pig environment.

        The cultivation of the pig, for commercial food consumption, is the continuation creation of various diseases within that animal, where there is the constant combat with disease with chemicals to keep the pig alive as a food source for consumption.  Again, the fast growth rate of the pig the characteristically appealing factor for commercial production.

        The pig, characteristically, has a foul temperament/ disposition, where the animal, in a cultivated environment, is loud, and aggressive.  The pig is not a passive animal despite its inferior structure to its environment.  The pig is a reactionary animal, where cause and effect is the dominating social system of that animal.  The progressive of the pig psychology within the human being will display a dominate cause and effect, reactionary thought system, controlling the social interactions of the human being; that human being, in social interaction, with the pig psychology, will act as a pig, where the evident sign of the pig behavior in the human being will be their reactionary, cause and effect response in social interaction.  The reactionary, cause and effect response of the human being in social interactions as a visible sign of the pig psychology within that human being will be coupled with immorality, perversity; the human being with the pig psychology will be perverse, and immoral in social interaction .  .  .  .