Chapter 3: The Pig Psychology

  Black people have very little conscious knowledge of their enslavement in america, beginning with the knowledge that they were                enslaved by caucasian people. This ‘not knowing’ that caucasian people were our enslavers allows for the unconscious relationship with      the caucasian in everyday american society. When we say everyday american society, we are speaking away from the glamorized sports,      and entertainment, where there is the environment of large amounts of wealth, but the Black man/ Black woman on the ‘ground level’.  In    a financial context; from poverty to upper class, wealthy, successful, the intricate of american society that defines that it is a society, a          country, a nation of people; civilized/ uncivilized.  America has a basic society dynamic; caucasian, Black.  The Black dynamic                    incorporates the caucasian american history of slavery, and it is from this history of caucasian american slavery that the thought process,      the psychology of Black people in america, has reshaped/ restructured.  This restructure of the human being thought process in america        can be civilized/uncivilized, but without correct education, both characteristically will be animalistic.  The creating of the pig                        psychology in Black america is the concentration of the pig into the meat diet of Black america, dating back to slavery, where segregation/integration of Black america is the continuation of the eating of the flesh of that animal.  The consumption of pig as the diet of meat for Black america is an unconscious slave habit that dominants, and develops consciously as a social human being characteristic of Black people.  The abuse of slavery on the unconscious is so severe in Black america that pig flesh is no longer the ‘cheap meat’, where financially successful Black people in america will habitually eat the ‘cheap’ pig compared to the more expensive, more healthy animal flesh; cow, sheep, fish.  The meat diet in Black america is important because it is basically one of the only characteristics, from the historical everyday caucasian american chattel slavery of Black people, that Black america consciously, visibly contributes to.  This conscious, visible indulgent is in spite of the greater intelligence understanding of the dominant religion of Black america; christianity.  With the psychological dysfunction of Black america from caucasian american slavery, and a continuation of the eating of the pig as the dominant diet of meat; post integration, there is the restructure of the thought process; Black people thinking like a pig in the develop of their human being: the pig psychology.  To define the pig psychology, the Black man, and Black woman are in responsive social interactions, systematically, characteristically, as a pig in a cultured environment of pigs.  Again, to cultivate the pig for slaughter/food consumption.  The pig psychology of Black america is a post emancipation proclamation conditioning that consistently defines in patterns, reinforced from caucasian america, in a collective form.  We make a distinction between post emancipation proclamation, and slavery because the pig’s environment; cultivated/not cultivated, is a ‘free’ environment of behavior characteristics, and Black people, in american slavery, are not free in no environment; the pig having more ‘freedom’ during slavery than Black america.  To understand, the pig psychology is not a slavery based behavior, and does not necessarily originate visible during the enslavement of Black america, and can probably only be documented visible, in large majority numbers of Black america, toward the end of american segregation against Black people, with consistent reinforcing from the Black america/ caucasian people society relationship.  The pig psychology of Black america is rooted in slavery, only because of the history of slavery for Black america.  And it is the develop of our conscious from slavery that gives the pig psychology a slave attribute, unconscious/conscious social interaction; pig as the dominant meat diet, herding of Black people into specific areas of society, the castration of the Black man/Black woman, the inferiority thought of Black people to caucasian people.  But the pig psychology of Black america is fully developed from the society relationship that Black america has with caucasian people; a society environment that is conducive to animal behavior.  Again, Black america’s relationship with caucasian people founded in mental, physical slavery for 400+ years.  The pig psychology is described as the thought processes of the human being, originating from pig characteristics; those Black people that display that sickness.  When we say pig, we are not speaking symbolically.  We are talking about the actual animal as a cultivation for food consumption.  The characteristics that the pig displays in its cultivated environment is the originating thought process system of psychology for that human being, producing behavior; the human being that acts as a pig, thinks  a pig, in human form.  The beginning of the destruction, from the pig psychology, in the human being, is that the psychology of the human being is systems of thought that provide progression solutions for the advancement of themselves, and there is the construction of social interactions.  The pig psychology is a preoccupier of natural, originating human thought; slavery, no slavery.  The overwhelm of the pig psychology, as originating thought, does not warrant that the human being has understanding of anything human; only what the pig, as an animal, does.  One of the greatest identifiers of the pig psychology is the human being in interaction with environmental influences, where the pig behavior can be visibly observed, and identified; that is a human being acting like a pig, looking like a pig.  From the human being physiology, behavior develops consistency, thought directs behavior.  Consistency is important in the human being because consistency develops; physically, mentally.  Consistent incorrect thought that is a human being deterrent is a restructure of the human being; physical/ mentally.  This pig psychology restructure of the brain, specifically, is the creator of various diseases associated with pig consumption; amnesia, dementia, incorporating a Black american population restructure; high blood pressure, sugar diabetes, high cholesterol, the population of Black america the brain of Black america.  Both amnesia, and dementia are historical, characteristic caucasian diseases, and not something newly discovered in america.  These diseases, specifically, originating from the consumption of pig.  The pig used in the history of the caucasian to negate the negative reproduction of the caucasian female; pig characteristic fast birth rate/ growth rate .  .  .  .