Sunrise: East Asia

  Planting Dynamics and the Divinity          of Black America

      The afflictions of devils can be ministered to with the understanding of scripture to heal your wound of  ignorance.  Black         people of the world are in a 6000 year time period where there is the introduction of caucasian   people as devils to Black           people.  Wherever you find caucasian people, there is the organize of hatred, and   destruction for Black people.  Wherever       you find Black people, there is the persecution, and attack of those Black people by caucasian people.  This is a 6000 year evolve of the removal of the devil from the planet.  As a race of people, the caucasian is the worst part of the Black man and Black woman; the human being.  And this sickness that is an internal part of who we are as Black people has been grafted from us, for Allaah to show us the evil of ourselves, and a correcting of our wicked nature for guidance to a righteous path.  The righteous path is a path for paradise.  The wickedness of our actions as Black people where we don't know is the path of hell.  To not know you are a devil, in what you believe, that you are righteous, where your paradise is hell.  The mercy of Allaah is the world of vanities where beyond the grave we deceive ourselves that we are saved from the hellfire because of no knowledge.  And the denial of scripture, revelation, has amassed Black people of the world into the hell that the devil lives in.  Hell is an affliction, where the devil is destroyed, continuing beyond the grave.  Hell.  And it is the devil in human form as a sign of Allaah that is a reaffirming of scripture that we don't know to discern our wickedness to righteousness.  What do devils look like?  What do devils act like?   To know how not to look, and how not to act; a sign from Allaah for Black people who do not know, who choose not to know.  But there is no repentance from Black people, majority, who have Allaah's blessing of salvation, where the devil has no salvation.  The consume of Black people, in their ignorance into the hellfire is the 6000 year removal of the devil from the planet.  And from a 6000 year darkness of devil wickedness, with the biblical light of moses and jesus, the prophetic light of prophet muhammad, there is the light of Allaah for progression for the world of Black people; the divinity of Black america.  The symbolism of the scripture is for greater understanding of the knowledge of Allaah to develop, and strengthen the faith of the one who believes.  To have no knowledge of Allaah, to have never seen Allaah, looking at Black people everyday, how can you believe from scripture.  So, in many situations, Allaah uses messengers or guides to direct the people to a correct understanding.  And unless it is the written word of Allaah from His hand, the messengers script revelation.  And from the writings of the messengers, wisdom from Allaah is understood that there is righteousness that destroys wickedness; that we are righteous people.  And within these writings, symbolism is used for us to know. 

        In the context of scripture, the development of wisdom,and mercy of Allaah originates from the human being, Black people, working the land or farming..  A majority of the laws or commandments of the scripture from Allaah, are speaking, originating from Black people working the land.  As Black america,  as Black people of the planet; a majority, we do not understand scripture because we do not work the land.  Understanding, in many symbolic situations across the planet, Black people, specifically Black america and the prophetic four hundred year history of slavery, are considered the children of israel/ jacub.  Jacub is a descendant of abraham, and from abraham, the descendency goes back to adam in the garden of eden.  It is a garden which is farming symbolism.  But in the book of genesis, Allaah defines the creating of adam for working the land; again farming.  To note, in the book of ecceslesiates, vanity of vanities is sin in a wicked world.  Allaah says vanity of vanities; to be vain in a world of vanities.  In the context of that biblical verse, the world of vanities does not mean the same as vanity.  The world of vanities is the beneficence, the multitude fold of Allaah.  It is from a farming environment where this verse is understood.

To farm a plant from one seed, Allaah gives you the meat to farm; vegetable/ fruit.  And from one type of vegetable/ fruit; tomato, Allaah gives you a multitude of seeds within that one tomato to produce many tomato plants to produce hundreds of thousands of tomatoes from one tomato.  That is the world of vanities; symbolic scripture scripted from a farming  
Sunset: East Asia
tomato plants to produce hundreds of thousands of tomatoes from one tomato.  That is the world of vanities; symbolic scripture scripted from a farmingenvironment of understanding.  Again to note, with the destruction of Black america in the western hemisphere, in the country america, Black america, emancipated from slavery with knowledge of farming, agriculture from 300 years of chattel slavery, beginning to farm for themselves, were deceitfully and violently removed from that area of social progress over the last hundred years of america history where we have no Black farmers in america compared to Black america's population, and the farming financial outlet; the grocery store which now  controls the financial survival of Black america.  Where we stress the control of land to control the country with no religion, the devil, with knowledge of religion, denies the land to Black america so they can not understand to develop fully their religious potential, their religious divinity.  So in a farming context, when planting, specifically in pots, the positioning of the pots furthest away from the rising of the sun; west, will be observed to grow thicker, stronger, taller, than the pots positioned closest to the rising of the sun; east.  With knowledge, and wisdom from Allaah, we understand that before the sun rises is darkness.  The sun brings heat, the sun brings light into darkness.  Both are necessary for plant productivity.  Heat and light travel a certain distance at a certain speed.  With the first of light, and the increase intensity of heat from the initial sun rise, the potted plants closest to the sun rise; east, are in a greater absorption environment, where the growth process of the plant is to absorb/ take in.  The plants positioned furthest away from the sun rise; west, with the initial reaction with the heat and light coming from darkness, and the travel of both those characteristics from the sun, there is a pull effect, where because of the distance from  its progressive food source, the plant grows or works to come out of the ground from its roots to get its food; the physical strengthening of the plant.  Symbolic language from a farming environment.  Book of matthew; chapter 24 verse 27 "For as the light comes out of the east and shines even unto the west; so shall the coming of the sun of man be."  Black people are removed from the east, and brought into the western hemisphere.  And over a four hundred year period of chattel slavery, a country america is developed, and these Black people from the east, made into slaves, have evolved with the planet in the west; Black america.  And with no knowledge of nothing, mentally dead as human beings, the salvation of religion to save you from hell is destroyed; Black people, now Black america, given christianity as there salvation.  And from america's bloodsucking of the life of Black america; have amassed a large number of Black people across the planet into ignorance, and wickedness, from the down trod of Black people in america, where across the world, Black people choose wickedness over righteousness because they do not know the caucasian to be a devil.  But more importantly, because they see Black america choose wickedness over righteousness.  The strong Black leadership of the east, whether religiously or culturally, against caucasian wickedness; colonialism, slavery in the history of the planet is a guiding light to strengthen Black america where you have the superior intelligence  of marcus garvey or noble drew ali.  The eastern call of islam, and prophet muhammad in the country haiti, and the haitian revolution to destroy the devil was prophetic of the Black man nat turner, and the slave revolution in virginia.  But the defining of the destruction of the devil, and the pronounced divinity of Black america is the coming of master fard muhammad to the western hemisphere, to Black america, as a bright light from the east.  And from the teachings of master fard muhammad, and the creating of the nation of islam for Black america specifically, the reawakening of the mentally dead Black man and Black woman in america into the knowledge of themselves, into the knowledge of Allaah.  And with correct knowledge of Allaah, and the devil, to be the light of the world to strengthen, and guide in the gross darkness areas across the Black of the planet where we, as a planet of Black people are completely destroyed from incorrect guidance of who we are as Black people, of the paradise of Allaah.